So, natch, I'm thinking about nesting rather than reading for law school. Each season has it's own special theme of procrastination. The new apartment needs some decorating because it looks a little collegiate at the moment. Confession: this is possibly because I can't be bothered to put the curtains up in my own bedroom, but our common areas need help.
I also was talked into requesting a pinterest account - it kind of doesn't make sense to me, but I have faith that it'll be the time-sucking joy that I've heard it has been. And this is the first thing I'm pinning:
I want big horizontal nautical stripes in the living room just like these, and if my google skills are any good, I will need to make them like the above lady did. I'm into it.
I also want a chaise lounge, a coffee table big enough to reach both couches, and I'm kind of into a white fluffy rug. Because that will definitely be easy to keep clean, much like my white car. It's not that I'm not good at thinking ahead - I fully understand that white is a bad choice - but I like it too much to care when I'm buying. Curtains, chaise lounge, and coffee table are first priority, none of which will be white. Except for the alternating stripes in the curtains.
When pinterest let's me join, I'll let you all into my dreamed up living room.
When pinterest let's me join, I'll let you all into my dreamed up living room.