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Friday, August 31, 2012

City Sports

If anyone's looking for online shopping entertainment this weekend, City Sports has 20% off if you buy two clearance items.  I got new running sneaks and this North Face fleece for almost 2/3 off each.

God, I love deals.

Happy Labor Day weekend, y'all!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Stock Exchange/Finance Boy's a real casanova

Messages 3 and 4:

He went from three times to more than once for the fourth message.  Hot.

Anyways - I've backed off of this venture because it's a lot of work and thus far negative reward.  Which is to say, I've put a lot of time into being entertained and mildly horrified by it.  BUT a classmate discovered me (Hi Val!) and offered to fix me, because apparently my interests attract weirdooos.  So there's that, and now I'm sure all the eligible bachelors will come out of hiding.  (Def holding my breath.)

ALSO - there's a question on OKC that asks if you're more intense or carefree.  I answered carefree.  Val said my profile itself is intense, but that's good, because so am I.  I'm intense?? Is that true?  Guys??

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Forearm workouts, please.

I spent yesterday on a painting jamboree for my new home owner, birthday girl best friend from home.  My forearms got a mean workout - who knew paint rollers were so strenuous on forearms!?  But based on this photo from last week's relay race - which, very kindly, the running organization I joined made the cover photo of their FB album:

Apparently my forearms need some working out?  I've tried to replicate this arm situation and cannot for the life of me.  If I never replicate anything in this photo, it'd be too soon.  Woof, Kait.  Hence, I took paint roller charge yesterday and ran with it.  Also, judging by this picture, I need to run more often.  And work on my gait.  And my weird claw.  Some people burn such pictures, but given that it's going down in infamy on Facebook, I might as well get my self deprecation on. (I promise there are others that make me look like a mildly athletic, normal person, but they're not entertaining in the least.)

Annnyway, while painting, I got a full day of listening to other iPods and finally heard a song that I've been trying to find for a couple of years.  It played a lot at home at restaurants and is so summery and mellow, and I jumped at finding out who it was finally!  Strangely enough, when I hummed and mumbled "make it better" over and over, nobody recognized my rendition.  Yeah it's oldish and everybody probably knows it, but this was a great triumph for me.

Especially like this line: Cause I know the grass is greener but just as hard to mow.

Nothing like helping out with house projects, finding a new song, and hanging with a good friend on her birthday to feel like you've accomplished something and you're right where you belong.

Monday, August 20, 2012

New Moves

I can't look away.  I don't know what to say, but it's from Smashy, and it's important that you watch this. 

Just know that I'm busting this move out everywhere.  Especially in elevators.

I also spent the better part of a day learning the Wobble cold... which only took 6 months of learning part and then forgetting parts.  I'm now fully versed in the Wobble, the Cha Cha Slide, the Frankenbush (kind of similar to the monstrosity above, minus the horse riding hand motions), and the Macarena.  I pretend to do Dougie moves well enough, and I can Charlie Brown with the best of them, but the Electric Slide is my White Whale.  Just can't nail down the sequence.  

For those new to the Wobble:

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Endless Entertainment

With an inbox like this, who needs TV?

From "hotstuff" -
how would you like to go for a ride in jeep

with the doors off and get an ice creem

an go from there

see ya

No.  And his favorite movie is pulpfison.  No no no.

From (redacted/my screen name points out that I work in finance twice) -   Msg 1: Something about you stands out to me (smarts, sassy & dressy- love all of this). You've shared just enough to make me think we have have some potential..

and I guess we both are on the same levels with a lot of things - We might have a lot to offer each other. So I want to try this out with you

Msg 2: Hey, I also noticed you value career stuff and hold a lot of passion for it... Sound like you also have put a lot into it... we could connect on that level. I also notice you like the water! I could direct you to the best 'pools' in Boston... would love a partner to do them all with! Have you been to Colonnade Hotel's pool bar?!

You just sound normal & you could have this awesome sassy side to you... let's try this! we are both in Boston

Here's my sassy side: I like water!!!!!!!! Let's try this!! We are both in Boston!!! Same level!!!!!

From a coworker just shamelessly calling me out:

XOXO - let's pretend this never happened.

Keepin' you posted, one set of heeby jeebies at a time.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

GPS Dating

Well, all that checking in on foursquare just got obsolete.  Ironically, I didn't understand why all these "LET'S GET BEERS" text messages from the okcupid app were popping up on my phone until I read this article.  (Keep it classy, Southie.)  Also, good thing I'm an early adopter who just has her GPS on like donkey kong and doesn't know that I'm putting myself up on display like a freakin cinnamon roll in a bakery window.

My new BF is INSIDE my phone.  Like this:

Friday, August 3, 2012

Well this is reassuring

I suppose it's nice that he gets that out in the open.  Is it weird he doesn't mention prison time?  Or should I just take the drug/sex-addiction-free thing and count myself lucky?

You learn something new everyday

My New Year's Resolution on becoming more financially literate is going well.